How to Get More Energy by Simplifying Your Life
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We all understand that having too much can lead to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. It also causes us to feel like there is not enough time or energy for what truly matters most in our lives.
Simplifying your life can help alleviate these symptoms and restore you to a happier, healthier you! Here are a few tips to get you started on your journey:
1. Reduce Your Stress
Stress is something we all experience at some point, but if it’s getting out of hand, then perhaps simplifying your life would be beneficial. Simplifying means taking away items that don’t serve you or your goals; although this task can seem overwhelming at first glance, simplifying your life will reduce stress levels and give you more energy in the long run.
One of the best ways to reduce stress is by decluttering and downsizing. Not only will this free up space for what truly matters most to you, but it will also give you more time and energy for doing things that matter most.
Another way to reduce stress is by having an effective support network in place. People who have access to friends and family tend to manage stress better than those without such connections. Furthermore, seeking professional help from a mental health expert or counselor if you’re having difficulties managing stress may be beneficial.
When striving to reduce stress, it can be beneficial to take some time off and reflect on how you’re feeling. Doing this will provide a new perspective and enable you to identify what causes your distress.
Once you’ve identified potential coping strategies, you can assess whether or not they meet your individual needs. Some examples include exercising regularly, eating healthily and getting enough rest.
You can also start saying no to requests that are taking up too much of your time and energy. While this can be challenging initially, once you get the hang of it, the process will become simpler and your stress levels will drop significantly.
2. Exercise
Exercise is one of the best ways to boost energy levels, and one of the simplest is exercising regularly. Not only will it make your body feel better, but it also gives you a mental boost that you won’t experience without regular physical activity.
For instance, if you’re feeling fatigued due to jet lag or poor sleep, taking a walk can give you more energy and help you feel more alert. Conversely, exercise has been known to combat depression and anxiety symptoms by lifting your moods and relieving those symptoms.
Another way to keep your energy up is to switch up your workouts periodically. Switching up the routine can help you target different muscle groups, increase variety in each session, and promote overall better health.
For an invigorating workout, yoga or pilates are great choices. Both of these practices involve controlled breathing which can help relieve stress and increase energy levels.
For something more challenging, strength training is another great option. Lifting weights will give you a boost of energy and keep you motivated; just remember to start off with lighter loads than normal when starting out.
Gaining more energy to focus on what matters most will allow you to prioritize those things. For instance, you might find it easier to spend more time with family or take a vacation without feeling exhausted. If you’re finding it difficult to find enough energy, start getting organized and simplifying your life for better results.
3. Eat Right
Maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet is key for keeping your energy levels high. Those who are physically active or training for an event should ensure they get enough fuel from nutritious foods to support their efforts.
Eat three to four small-to-moderate meals and two snacks daily, focusing on quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, according to Danna Raphael RD, CDN, a clinical nutritionist at HSS. “Getting these nutrients in the correct order will help keep you running strong,” she advises.
She suggests adding fruits, vegetables and whole grains to your plate in order to boost metabolism, aid in weight loss and keep you feeling energized throughout the day.
To achieve a nutritious, high-fiber diet, it’s important to limit processed and refined foods. Instead, opt for whole-grain breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables as well as low-fat milk products.
Shop at your local grocer and learn to read the Nutrition Facts Label on packaged goods to find a variety of “smart” foods. Additionally, this can serve as inspiration when creating meals in your own kitchen that tend towards being healthful or have fewer ingredients.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Sleeping enough is one of the most essential steps you can take for your health and energy levels. Not only does it lower the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and mental health issues – it also makes you feel more productive and less stressed.
Sleep deprivation can make you cranky the next day, potentially affecting your performance at work. You may not get as much done as expected and find it difficult to focus.
Most adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night in order to feel rested and energized the next day. Unfortunately, many people aren’t getting the recommended amount of shut-eye, which can have detrimental effects on your health and overall well-being.
If you struggle to fall asleep at night, try relaxing before heading to bed by reading a book or listening to soothing music. This can help create an association between your bedroom and a place of rest which in turn leads to easier sleeping later on.
Try to set your internal clock for bed and wakeup at the same time every day, regardless of when you work or play. Doing this will help regulate your internal clock and improve sleep quality.
Even just 30 minutes of extra sleep each night can make a huge difference. Start by setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier each week, and gradually add another 10 minutes until you reach your ideal bedtime.
As you begin to simplify your life, consider what matters most to you. Then, begin making changes in lifestyle and habits that will support those priorities. It may take some time before results appear, but in the end it will all be worth it!
5. De-clutter
Clutter can have a detrimental effect on both mental and physical health, from feeling overwhelmed and rundown to having difficulty finding things when you need them. Clutter should be eradicated for maximum benefits!
It can also cause you to feel stressed and tense, especially when trying to locate something among a pile of other items in your home. Furthermore, it may make you feel embarrassed or ashamed when guests visit your residence.
Good news: it’s simple to declutter your life and gain more energy by doing so. All that requires is some changes in your daily routine and habits.
One of the first steps you should take is creating a list of items that are taking up space in your home and making it hard to maintain a tidy atmosphere. This will help you decide what should stay and be discarded.
Additionally, consider what in your heart and mind is not bringing you joy. This could range from family relationships to beliefs or emotions that aren’t serving you well.
If you are trying to de-clutter your life, it is essential to take baby steps. While it may take time to let go of some items, the effort will pay off in terms of improved mental clarity and physical wellbeing.
As we embark on a brand-new year, now is an ideal opportunity to declutter your life and make improvements where needed. Don’t be afraid to make small but significant changes; nothing beats doing something different for a change!