How to Prevent and Manage Psoriasis With Natural Remedies
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Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that can impact many parts of the body, with thick red skin covered by silvery scales that may become itchy and painful over time.
While there may be no cure for psoriasis, natural treatments can help minimize flare-ups and alleviate symptoms. Before trying any home treatments on your own, please consult with a healthcare provider first.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the most widely used natural treatments for psoriasis, and studies have demonstrated its efficacy at helping reduce symptoms when combined with traditional medicines like topical corticosteroids or vitamin D supplements.
The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends applying an unscented cream or gel containing at least 0.5% aloe vera on affected areas. As some individuals may be sensitive to aloe vera plants, always perform a patch test first to assess risk before covering a large surface area with aloe vera treatments.
Aloe vera offers several advantages as an all-natural treatment for psoriasis, such as its anti-inflammatory and redness-reducing abilities, plus it lubricates skin hydration to minimize flare-ups.
Aloe vera also contains wound-healing properties when applied directly to burns, helping reduce swelling and promote new, healthy skin cell development.
Aloe vera contains both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can provide temporary pain relief when dealing with chronic conditions like psoriasis. Furthermore, its consumption may help promote collagen and elastin production to enhance skin texture and elasticity.
Herb has also been found useful for treating cold sores, acting as both preventer and healer. Its soothing effects on the mouth may reduce discomfort caused by cold sores.
Aloe vera may provide beneficial effects on your digestive system, including lowering cholesterol and controlling blood sugar levels. Before embarking on any new course of treatment with aloe vera, however, consult with your physician first.
Due to interactions between aloe vera supplements and other medications and herbal remedies, oral use should not be recommended for treating psoriasis. Furthermore, children and pregnant women are advised against its use.
Fish Oil
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition affecting over 7.5 million American citizens and can be challenging to live with, as its symptoms include pink, red or salmon-colored patches covered by silvery scales that become itchy and scratchy over time.
People suffering from psoriasis usually require medications that reduce inflammation. This could include topical creams, steroids, light therapy (phototherapy) or other medicines.
Your choice of treatment depends on the severity and type of your psoriasis as well as its response to previous therapies, so it could take multiple attempts before finding one that suits you perfectly.
Medication to treat psoriasis may cause side effects or be harsh, so consult your healthcare provider before beginning new treatments. These could include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for optimal effectiveness.
Omega-3 fatty acids are an integral part of a balanced diet, yet many don’t get enough from their food sources alone. Supplementing with fish oil supplements can help you increase the intake of these vital lipids.
Studies demonstrate that regular intake of omega-3 fats may help relieve psoriasis symptoms such as itching, scaling and skin reddening, as well as lower the risk of arthritis or heart disease. It might even reduce this condition’s impact.
Note that high-dose fish oil supplements may thin your blood, so always consult with a healthcare provider prior to beginning any supplement regimen. Furthermore, high dose fish oil supplements could pose issues if you’re already taking warfarin (Coumadin) or similar blood thinners.
Turmeric and Oregon grape are herbs with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may also help ease your psoriasis symptoms, helping reduce flare-ups of this condition. Turmeric can either be taken in pill form or applied topically.
Olive Oil
Psoriasis is an inherited skin condition characterized by red, itchy patches of skin on your body that can be hard to control or treat, yet natural remedies may provide effective management solutions.
Olive oil can be an effective ingredient to use in both preventing and managing psoriasis. Packed full of fatty acids and vitamin E that reduce inflammation, it also contains antibacterial properties to protect the skin against infections that could otherwise lead to itchy or flaky patches of skin.
Psoriasis sufferers can benefit from using it directly on their affected area or mixing it into a warm bath for relief of itching and scaling associated with their condition. This solution can also be applied directly onto their scalps if applicable or mixed directly into a warm soak for optimal results.
Alternative remedies could include mixing olive oil and vegetable shortening together and applying it topically to any affected areas for up to four hours before washing it off in the morning.
Aloe Vera is an effective natural solution to various skin issues, and has even been found useful for managing psoriasis. Aloe can ease itching and inflammation while offering cooling sensation on the skin.
Fish oil has long been recognized for its therapeutic effects in treating psoriasis. Packed full of omega-3 fatty acids that may reduce itching and scaling, fish oil should be taken regularly in order to maximize its effects on psoriasis symptoms.
If you suffer from psoriasis, always opt for natural products without harmful chemicals or preservatives as this will keep your skin healthier and allow it to heal itself more effectively.
Curcumin, an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative compound found in turmeric (Curcuma longa), has been found to be highly effective at treating psoriasis. It is an active polyphenol found within this golden spice.
One study revealed that adding a daily 3,000 mg dose of curcumin to traditional topical steroids led to a 48% drop in red, scaly patches after 12 weeks; another study used gel containing 1 percent curcumin as treatment in 90 percent of participants and saw significant improvements.
Researchers have demonstrated that curcumin can also inhibit an enzyme called phosphorylase kinase that is associated with overactive keratinocyte proliferation. Furthermore, curcumin may help decrease production of pro-inflammatory mediators.
Curcumin provides significant health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory effects and reduced oxidative stress caused by chronic inflammation, as well as decreasing skin cell growth.
Curcumin can also improve endothelial function, or the health of the thin membrane that lines blood vessels and heart cells, helping protect against cardiovascular disorders like heart disease. It has even been noted as providing protection from these ailments.
Curcumin can be taken in two forms, both oral and lipidated versions, with oral administration being the more popular form. A study on healthy adults aged 40-60 years demonstrated that 80 mg/day of curcumin could significantly lower triglycerides but not total cholesterol or LDL/HDL levels.
Curcumin in oral form is currently undergoing clinical trials as an effective and safe remedy to treat psoriasis, arthritis and radiation dermatitis. This treatment option offers safe alternatives to synthetic drugs which may have severe side effects and is also ideal when combined with treatments like oral steroids.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an all-natural remedy that can help both prevent and manage psoriasis. Thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, apple cider vinegar has proven successful at alleviating symptoms associated with eczema, nail fungus, and dandruff.
Homeopathic remedies have long been touted for their ability to improve gut health and restore balance to body pH levels, which in turn may decrease inflammation. A popular home remedy that can be taken either internally or topically.
Application of apple cider vinegar directly to the scalp has been shown by the National Psoriasis Foundation to be an effective remedy in soothing itchy patches of psoriasis, according to their Foundation. Apply it two or more times daily as desired or more often if necessary – though be warned: as its use will sting and burn. Indulge only as needed and with caution!
Not only can apple cider vinegar help the skin stay hydrated and prevent it from drying out, but incorporating omega-3 rich fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna or sardines into your diet or adding fish oil supplements into it may also provide ample omega-3s.
Diet can play an essential part in maintaining a healthy weight, which in turn may reduce your risk of psoriasis. If you are overweight, discuss this option with your physician as a weight-loss program may be available to you.
Apple cider vinegar has also been reported to aid in the reduction of inflammation. Taken before meals diluted with water, apple cider vinegar has been shown to boost digestion and immune function as well.
Before beginning any new treatment, it’s essential that you consult with your healthcare provider first as some herbs and nutrients can interact dangerously with medication that you already take. Furthermore, consult with them if you are currently breastfeeding or have any health conditions such as high blood pressure.